Monday 18 April 2011

Happy Easter..

Brings us to week three of the puppers. Eyes open.. legs working.. on the move!! I am amazed at how much they change each and every day. 

A little bit of drama on Saturday night.. Red boy #2 seemed to have some tummy troubles. Belly was hard he was struggling to poop. Off to the vet we go, and you just know these things can never happen on a regular day during regular office hours! At any rate.. Little red boy relieved himself on Taylors sweater on the ride to town, after that he felt much better. The exam revealed some inflammation of his bowel (Colitis) So the prescription was some probiotics and deworm the whole bunch! He's doing much better now! A little newbie nervousness on my part! But better safe than sorry! 

So.. with out further words.. Here's is the 3 week photo shoot! Enjoy! 

Red Boy #2

Red Girl 

Blue Girl #1

Red Merle Girl

Blue Girl #2

Black Girl

Blue Boy #2

Black Boy

Red Boy #1

Blue Boy #1


  1. absolutely adorable. I hope I can snap some shots like these when my crew arrives.
